Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do

It has been said that a existences reach mustiness always exceed his grasp; we must continue to try, although it whitethorn seem hopeless. It has been said if we do not push the limits, we do not push our sustain progression. It has been said that we created the heavens so we earn something to reach for, however impossible it may seem. on the button what is the point of doing so? In the short story, To shit a educe by Jack capital of the United Kingdom, we meet a darn who is battling the extreme forces of nature as shown through the harsh winter of Alaska. He attempts to go beyond what is judge of him, beyond of what is pass judgment of any creation, illustrating perfectly the nature of piecekind. The man attempts to collect logs baffle of a spring, striving for greatness, yet his strive proves to be escaped beca usance of his apparent over-confidence and freezes in the very land he plotted to conquer. Perhaps without his obvious pride and ego, he would have been happy in his attempt. Jack London shows us in To Build a Fire that we must not be alike smug and sure-footed in our own abilities or our own abilities become dropless through character, symbolization, and plot. SYMBOLISM London cleverly uses symbolism to illustrate to us the dangers of our own hubris. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The man attempts to build a fire throughout the story, and attempt that is a symbol of man attempting to gain knowledge. Fire, or knowledge, to a prison-breaking means life in much(prenominal) harsh situations such as winter in Alaska. It can also be seen as an attempt to suppress nature, which in this story, is symbolized by the refrigerated the man face! s. Cold is also a symbol of pre-determination, something that we cannot change, a stable unit of the universe. Fire, in the same way, represents our free-will, our choice to use what we have to battle what is already set in stone. The epithet of the story, To Build a Fire fits right in, as the man had failed to build a fire, and failed to use his own knowledge, and then was killed by the cold, or nature. The man had too much hubris, and was too confident in his...If you want to remove a full essay, guild it on our website:

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